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2015-08 | Outstanding Junior Faculty Award Winners ACS | Boston, MA

2015-08 | Outstanding Junior Faculty Award Winners ACS | Boston, MA

Boston, MA
Aug. 11 , 2015

OpenEye Scientific Software would like to congratulate the winners of the OpenEye Outstanding Junior Faculty Award. The awards will be presented to the winners at the Fall 2015 ACS National Meeting in Boston.

Dr. Paul Hawkins and Dr. Christopher Bayly of OpenEye will be on hand to present each recipient with their award during the COMP division poster session on August 11, 2015 from 6:00-8:00pm.

The Outstanding Junior Faculty are:

Meenakshi Dutt, Department of Chemical and Biochemical Engineering, Rutgers State University, NJ, US
Design of Multi-Component Shape-Tunable Carriers

Yu-Shan Lin, School of Arts & Sciences, Department of Chemistry, Tufts University, MA US
Insights into protein-lipidoid assembly from molecular dynamics simulations

Robert S. Paton, Chemical Research Laboratory, UK
Redefining the rules for ring closure through computations: quantifying substrate and catalyst control with quantum chemistry

Andrew Ferguson, University of Illinois at Urbana-Champagne, IL, US
Computational Design of Hepatitis C Virus Vaccine Immunogens

About the OpenEye Outstanding Junior Faculty Award

The OpenEye Outstanding Junior Faculty Award is designed to recognize the work of and assist rising new faculty members in gaining visibility within the COMP community. The Award is granted semi-annually at the ACS National Meetings. For application and eligibility details, please visit: